If you’re a third or fourth year student at a Russian university, send us a grant application. Tell us about yourself, your experience and your achievements in a cover letter or – even better – a video. This is an important part of the application process. Let us know what you’d do with the money: are you paying for your studies, purchasing equipment to work on a project or going somewhere to find inspiration?
Sometimes, there’s an obvious piece of the puzzle that’s missing when it comes to being the best at the profession you love – money.
A 300,000 ruble grant could be used to fund an internship at the company of your dreams, purchase a high-end computer to work with 3D graphics or launch a project.
We’re creating an environment where intelligent and free-thinking students can share their experiences and meet our expert entrepreneurs and managers.
We’re also offering internships at Alfa-Bank. The best interns will receive job offers.
Send your application
Wait to find out if you’ve been selected
Receive a grant and invest in your development
Send your application
Wait to find out if you’ve been selected
Receive a grant and invest in your development
Students at partner universities have a higher chance: each partner university receives up to two grants from Alfa-Bank. The remainder of the grants are not tied to universities so anyone can apply. With Alfa Chance, everybody has a chance.
The grants are issued by the Alfa Chance charitable foundation, which was established by Alfa-Bank. If you have any questions or need help filling out the application, please contact us at alfa-chance@alfabank.ru.